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I’ll be doing my best to send you the most valuable tips and insights about Ketamine therapy.

But first, here is an excerpt from my book about IV Ketamine Infusions for Depression. 


Or if you are tired of suffering and want to learn everything right away, don't wait! 

Kindle, Ebook, paperback, and audiobook versions are RIGHT HERE.  Buy today for yourself, a friend, or a loved one in need of hope.

It will help speed you down the road to considering Ketamine and how it may help you. 


You'll also start receiving my free newsletter with the most exciting information about:

-how Ketamine is helping people.

-safety and side effects.

-what the Ketamine experience is like.

-how to pay for Ketamine through insurance reimbursements and other financial options.


If there is something you would like information about that I am missing, please Contact Us.

I will try to answer your question in an upcoming blog post, educational course, or newsletter.

Never give up for better tomorrows!

Frank – The Ketamine Coach


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