Find Ketamine Newsletter Subscription

My name is Frank. Some people call me “The Ketamine Coach.”

Not because I sell Ketamine, because I don’t.

But, I am a Ketamine patient and I have a background in medical research.

Most importantly, I’ve suffered with illness for decades and I want to share with you how Ketamine helped me.

Maybe it can help you too.

You might feel like giving up.


For over 20 years I stumbled around searching for something that really made a difference in my health. After so many pills and vitamins, diets and exercise regimens, and meditative programs, I was convinced that my life was over.

Do you feel that way?

Do you feel like you’re surviving, not living?

Please don’t settle for that. You are worth more than that. Life has more for you than that.

I don’t care what the last doctor said. I don’t care what the last TEN doctors said.

There is ALWAYS a way to make progress in your health and in your life.

Will Ketamine treatments help YOU?

I don’t know.

What I DO know is that IV Ketamine CAN be an incredible turning point in a health journey.

How do I know? Because I’ve been a Ketamine patient for over 2 years. I still am.

Would you mind if I shared something special with you? 

Subscribe to my free newsletter. You will receive all of the HOPEFUL AND HELPFUL Ketamine info I wish I had YEARS AGO.

Don’t waste thousands of hours suffering like I did while trying to answer my most important questions about Ketamine treatment:

What are Ketamine’s benefits?
Where do I find a Ketamine clinic near me?
How do I pay for Ketamine?

There are tons of articles and interviews out there. A google search for Ketamine yields 7.7 MILLION results. How would you like to sift through all of that?

There are the conflicting reports, the arguing experts, and a lot of sales not science as Ketamine clinics pop up everywhere.

Did you know that Ketamine saved lives in the Vietnam War? Or that it was used by Russian doctors to combat opioid addiction?

Maybe you’ve heard that it’s some scary “party drug” or a “horse tranquilizer?”

Maybe you want to discuss it with your doctor but don’t know how?

Or you want to try it, but your insurance won’t cover it?

My newsletter will answer all of these questions and more!

Join me and I’ll do my best to help.


Never give up on hope for better tomorrows!

Frank M. Ligons, MS

The Ketamine Coach

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