Government payment programs

In other words, there are a lot of these programs and you’ll need to sift through them, visit their websites, make phone calls. If you are unable to do it, ask a friend or a caregiver. If not them, ask a social worker or patient advocate.


Are any of these guaranteed to pay for Ketamine treatment?

As much as I’d like to guarantee these programs as the solution to your payment challenges, I can’t. I’m not sure which of these programs may fit. I don’t know which may consider Ketamine treatment an option.

The good news is that the landscape for Ketamine treatment is in motion. More people know about it than ever. More patients are asking for it. As we all continue knocking on these doors, more will open.

Did you know that there are over 60 government programs that may help pay for medical treatment?

Medline medical aid programs – wide variety of programs

Government benefits – questionnaire guides you to different programs

The United Way – various

Free Clinics – various

State-sponsored programs – many states have special programs dedicated to medical assistance for adults, children, veterans, and at risk groups.

Health insurance

Affordable Care Act aka “ObamaCare”



Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Also search for programs covering special needs children

Additional programs

Rx drug assistance – May offer discounted medication assistance

Veterans – Numerous programs to help veterans with illness, injury, or disability.

Hospital care – some hospitals and clinics offer free or discounted care. Always ask.

The Assistance Fund

Good Days from CDF

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

Caring Voice Coalition

HealthWell Foundation

Patient Access Network Foundation (PAN)

Patient Advocate Foundation

Government Benefits Questionnaire and Search Tool

Medical and Dental Expenses Tax Credit 

Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance

Qualified Disabled and Working individuals program (QDWI)

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program

Qualifying Individual (QI) Program

Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Program

Veterans Life Insurance Policy Loans and Cash Surrenders

Waiver of Insurance Premiums for Disabled Veterans

Cash-out Refinance Loan

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness

Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant

Department of Health and Human Services has information on medical assistance on both the federal and state level, including medicaid, health insurance, and child insurance

Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans

COBRA Continuation Coverage

Client Assistance Program

Consolidated Health Centers

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program (PEDVIP)

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) Program

Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP)

Foreign Medical Program

Health Care Benefits for Dependents (CHAMPVA)

Medical and Dental Expenses Tax Credit

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs

Mental Health Services

Military Exposure Registry Examination Program

Pharmacy Service

Social Security Medicare Program

Social Security Medicare Savings Programs

State Children’s Health Insurance Program

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Relief Information

Urban Indian Health Program

Veterans’ Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities

Bonus Info

All of these programs have websites and phone numbers. But, that doesn’t help if you can’t afford a phone service.

The Government Lifeline Assistance Program supplies some data, talk, and text for those in need.

Did you know that there are over SIXTY government programs that may help pay for medical treatment

These are all public programs that I’ve found through my own research. I hope that gathering them all together in one place will make your search easier.

How do programs decide who to help?

Government programs approach medical assistance in a wide variety of ways. Some programs aim to provide the funds for care directly. Others make health insurance more affordable. Some focus on specific illnesses or populations such as veterans. Other offerings vary by state.

Each of these programs have different requirements for eligibility. You may need to be a state resident, under a certain age, of a particular combat status, below a certain income, or with a specific diagnosis. Programs have different requirements related to your current insurance coverage, income, size of your family, assets, military service, government employee, etc.

In other words, there are a lot of these programs and you’ll need to sift through them, visit their websites, make phone calls. If you are unable to do it, ask a friend or a caregiver. If not them, ask a social worker or patient advocate.


Are any of these guaranteed to pay for Ketamine treatment?

As much as I’d like to guarantee these programs as the solution to your payment challenges, I can’t. I’m not sure which of these programs may fit. I don’t know which may consider Ketamine treatment an option.

The good news is that the landscape for Ketamine treatment is in motion. More people know about it than ever. More patients are asking for it. As we all continue knocking on these doors, more will open.

Did you know that there are over 60 government programs that may help pay for medical treatment?

Medline medical aid programs – wide variety of programs

Government benefits – questionnaire guides you to different programs

The United Way – various

Free Clinics – various

State-sponsored programs – many states have special programs dedicated to medical assistance for adults, children, veterans, and at risk groups.

Health insurance

Affordable Care Act aka “ObamaCare”



Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Also search for programs covering special needs children

Additional programs

Rx drug assistance – May offer discounted medication assistance

Veterans – Numerous programs to help veterans with illness, injury, or disability.

Hospital care – some hospitals and clinics offer free or discounted care. Always ask.

The Assistance Fund

Good Days from CDF

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

Caring Voice Coalition

HealthWell Foundation

Patient Access Network Foundation (PAN)

Patient Advocate Foundation

Government Benefits Questionnaire and Search Tool

Medical and Dental Expenses Tax Credit 

Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance

Qualified Disabled and Working individuals program (QDWI)

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program

Qualifying Individual (QI) Program

Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Program

Veterans Life Insurance Policy Loans and Cash Surrenders

Waiver of Insurance Premiums for Disabled Veterans

Cash-out Refinance Loan

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness

Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant

Department of Health and Human Services has information on medical assistance on both the federal and state level, including medicaid, health insurance, and child insurance

Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans

COBRA Continuation Coverage

Client Assistance Program

Consolidated Health Centers

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program (PEDVIP)

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) Program

Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP)

Foreign Medical Program

Health Care Benefits for Dependents (CHAMPVA)

Medical and Dental Expenses Tax Credit

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs

Mental Health Services

Military Exposure Registry Examination Program

Pharmacy Service

Social Security Medicare Program

Social Security Medicare Savings Programs

State Children’s Health Insurance Program

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Relief Information

Urban Indian Health Program

Veterans’ Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities

Bonus Info

All of these programs have websites and phone numbers. But, that doesn’t help if you can’t afford a phone service.

The Government Lifeline Assistance Program supplies some data, talk, and text for those in need.

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