IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy may help.

Are YOU considering Ketamine?

Low-dose intravenous Ketamine infusions and esketamine
Spravato™ nasal spray are in the news!

Ketamine Information Packages

These information bundles make learning about Ketamine FAST and EASY. Everything is fact-checked and reliable for your PEACE OF MIND. Whether you like to read, listen to audiobooks, or watch videos, Find Ketamine can help.

The FoundationDeep DiveTalk With Frank!
An easy introduction to the key facts.You thrive on research. You're busy. You don't want to Google much longer. Plus, what's better than hearing from a real patient's pros and cons? Pick my brain dry. The Foundation + Deep Dive PLUS 20 minutes LIVE via phone and includes email support.
3 Reasons Ketamine Treatments Fail
6 of the Most Exciting Benefits of Ketamine
How long does it take to work?
How to Describe the Ketamine Experience
How to Talk with your Doctor about Ketamine
Should you Fear Ketamine?
Golden Triangle Assessment Worksheet
Videos with Frank
During my infusion
After my infusion
My comments while waking
Email questions and answers with Frank
20 minute LIVE and PRIVATE phone call with Frank answers your additional questions
Buy Now – $9.99Buy Now – $29.99Book with Frank!
Just beginning to learn about Ketamine therapy
Hard to find “insider information” from real patients who are not compensated
Insurance reimbursement, payment, and financial strategies that make Ketamine affordable

I apologize for the delay. More people wanted to talk than I realized! Would you mind if I emailed you when the schedule opens up?

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